15 Rupi Kaur Powerful Quotes Every Girl Needs to Read

May 5, 2018

15 Rupi Kaur Powerful Quotes Every Girl Needs to Read – I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about poetry that Rupi Kaur has written so that’s one of the reasons I went to a bookshop and tried to find her book.

The first book of her I read was Milk and Honey. She told me a lot about the experience of femininity, love, loss, also violence. It just opened my eyes. I feel in love with the way she delivered messages through words that beautifully-and-dangerously written.

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After that, I knew that she had her newest poetry book published then I just felt like I need to have one on my bookshelf. Her second book is The Sun and Her Flowers. It’s a transcendent journey about falling, rising, blooming, healing, and loving ourselves more.

It’s a winner of Goodreads Choice Award 2017. Surprisingly, I didn’t really into this book because for me personally, the previous one is better.

However, I need to thank her for let me drown in her exploration. Well, actually, these are Rupi Kaur powerful quotes I’d like to share to every girl in the world.

15 Rupi Kaur Powerful Quotes Every Girl Needs to Read

I didn’t leave because
I stopped loving you,
I left because the longer
I stayed the less I loved myself

The kindest words my father said to me
Women like you drown oceans

how you love yourself is
how you teach others
to love you

the world gives you so much pain and here you are making gold out of it
– there is nothing purer than that

you must want to spend the rest of your life with yourself first

You do not just wake up and become the butterfly”
– Growth is a process.

a daughter should
not have to
beg her father
for a relationship

he only whispers i love you as he slips his hands down the waistband of your pants. this is where you must understand the difference between want and need—you may want that boy but you certainly don’t need him

other women’s bodies
are not our battlegrounds

you must enter a relationship with yourself before anyone else

learning to not envy
someone else’s blessings
is what grace looks like

it is possible
to hate and love someone
at the same time
i do it to myself
every day

you deserve to be completely found in your surroundings not lost within them

the day you have everything
i hope you remember
when you had nothing

i am learning
how to love him
by loving myself

More articles from me, read here!

[BOOK REVIEW] Milk and Honey Karya Rupi Kaur Versi Bahasa Indonesia

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Sintia Astarina

Sintia Astarina

A flâneur with passion for books, writing, and traveling. I always have a natural curiosity for words and nature. Good weather, tasty food, and cuddling are some of my favorite things. How about yours?

More about Sintia > 


  1. Janice Dirga

    “you must want to spend the rest of your life with yourself first”
    Omg this is so great! I get curious about Rupi Kaur..thanks for sharing! Surely will be my next wishlist book?

    • Sintia Astarina

      Absolutely. Her words are magic. You should read her book. 😀


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